We provide tools that allow micro and small entrepreneurs, to develop business management skills and thus promote their businesses so that they are sustainable over time and contribute to our country’s economies. Training sessions on business development subjects like finance and marketing, group, and individual mentoring sessions, as well as supporting them in trade fairs are all part of program, in order to provide new opportunities for them to grow personally and professionally, as well as their business.
We provide tools that allow micro and small entrepreneurs, to develop business management skills and thus promote their businesses so that they are sustainable over time and contribute to our country’s economies. Training sessions on business development subjects like finance and marketing, group, and individual mentoring sessions, as well as supporting them in trade fairs are all part of program, in order to provide new opportunities for them to grow personally and professionally, as well as their business.
With our Solidarity Program, we help those in need who have been affected by national emergencies or natural disasters, focusing mainly on our staff members and their families, but without neglecting our communities, by providing essential products in a timely manner.
A good education is fundamental for the strengthening of our societies and that is why, with our EDUCATION PROGRAM, we grant school and university scholarships, packages and prizes to our staff members sons and daughters with the best academic performance; thus, encouraging them to adequately finish their studies and contribute to the family’s economy.
We want to positively impact the development of our communities, this through the plural and equitable education of all children and young adults. We work hand in hand with institutions specialized in the academic field, granting school and university academic scholarships in our communities.
To reduce automobile accidents in our countries, we launched this program that offers driver’s education for our staff members and customers, with the objective of reducing the lack of knowledge on automobile laws, providing safety tips for motorcycles proper care and use, and promoting the use of licenses for driving motorcycles and/or other transportation vehicles. All these actions contribute to the Road Safety Decade of Action World Plan.
All these actions contribute to the Road Safety Decade of Action World Plan.
This initiative is dedicated to improving eye care and visual health in our communities; offering eye exams, lenses, and other ophthalmic products to students in vulnerable situations or environments.
We join the global movement "Giving Tuesday", to thank our customers and pay it forward to our communities for the success achieved during our "Black Friday".
We carry out volunteer work and support activities to improve the quality of life of those in need. Every year we share with children and elderly homes, support students, among other initiatives; by bringing joy to all of them with our products and services.
En nuestras operaciones implementamos mecanismos de control para la correcta disposición de residuos sólidos, como el plástico, aluminio, cartón, papel, eléctricos y electrónicos. Estos mecanismos nos permiten recolectar, reciclar y/o darles un segundo uso a estos productos.
As a socially responsible company, we carry out recycling days called “Reciclones” encouraging our customers and staff members participation, as well as educating them on how to properly dispose electrical and electronic equipment that is no longer in use.
We work with certified recycling companies that distribute the materials so that their final disposal does not contaminate our environment.
Our commitment to the environment is ratified year after year. That is why we migrate to new technologies that allow us to generate photovoltaic energy in our operations, installing solar panels and migrating to LED lights, thus reducing the generation of greenhouse gases and mitigating the impact on Climate Change.