At Unicomer Group, we reaffirm our commitment today, more than ever, to the safety and well-being of our staff members, clients and the communities in the countries we have operations. We developed several activities, and deployed protocols focused on guaranteeing everyone's well-being, both in Latin America and the Caribbean. These measures were taken in our different work centers such as: offices, stores, service centers and distribution centers.
We placed additional hand sanitizer dispensers in all our work centers, increased sanitary regimes, and implemented social distancing protocols.
We are proud of the steps we continue to taking to maintain our leadership. #UnicomerProud
At Unicomer Group we recognize that thanks to our staff members work and dedication we continue moving forward, which is why we are adapting and evolving together in these new times.
Our staff members and their family's health is our priority, which is why the following services or programs were made available in all our countries in Latin America and the Caribbean:
We created a special fund to support our staff members and their immediate families in the event the virus affects someone, and assistance was not available or sufficient.
We are providing a free, six months, medical (primary care), psychological, and nutritional telephone assistance, with ambulance service as well, available 24 hours a day, to all staff members and their immediate families.
We have accompanied our staff members by creating different activities to do with their families, always promoting solidarity and union as a company:
Sewing kits were delivered so that our staff members and families can knit blankets, scarves and hats that will be delivered to the Benjamin Bloom National Children's Hospital and the San Vicente de Paul nursing home.
A painting contest was designed for our staff members children where we promoted, they use materials they could find available in their homes, and draw a pictures with a message thanking all the heroes who are working in this pandemic, such as: health, delivery, water and food personnel, authorities, etc. The drawing with more likes will be the winner of a TV set.
Our staff members have always stood out for being supportive of our communities.
In conjunction with El Salvador’s Red Cross, our staff members once again made themselves available to help in this noble cause and help the country with the blood shortage through our blood drive.
As a Group, we delivered basic food baskets in advance to all our Corporate staff members to help them out through this time. Several of them decided to donate their baskets to the communities that need it most.
When we saw that COVID-19 was approaching our countries, we began to carry out different types of prevention and education campaigns about the virus.
We strengthened our e-commerce platforms in Latin America and the Caribbean, such as www.lacuracaonline.com and www.shopcourts.com to continue meeting their needs. In addition, we included free delivery, since circulation is not allowed in several of our countries.
We created a team trained to provide personalized advice on their credits, so that each case can be evaluated, and solutions are offered that adapted to the needs of each client. The idea is to help individually, case by case, according to the situation in which they find themselves so that together we can move forward.
We stopped the generation of default interest for 60 days in our systems.
We opened different alternative payment methods in all our countries for the comfort and well-being of our clients.
We are a Group that believes in solidarity, not as a superficial feeling, but as a firm and persevering determination to work for the common good.
El Grupo Unicomer realizó un donativo de camas hospitalarias las cuales serán trasladadas al hospital temporal en Tecoluca que atenderá posibles casos de #COVID2019. ¡Muchas gracias!#AlertaCOVID19SV pic.twitter.com/5BPn0WXubd
— Secretaría de Comunicaciones 🇸🇻 (@ComunicacionSV) April 7, 2020
Agradecemos el aporte de Grupo Unicomer al esfuerzo que, como Gobierno, hacemos para proteger la salud de nuestro pueblo.
— Romeo Rodríguez 🇸🇻 (@RomeoHerrera1) April 7, 2020
Estamos recibiendo, en el Hospital de Tecoluca, un donativo de 25 camas hospitalarias. pic.twitter.com/4DJaFLqQu0
Este día, el Grupo Unicomer se une a nuestro esfuerzo como país, con la donación de 25 camas hospitalarias para el hospital de Tecoluca. #AlertaCOVID19SV #QuedateEnCasa pic.twitter.com/NskFP3G8Ej
— Ministerio de Obras Públicas (@ObrasPublicasSV) April 7, 2020
Las camas donadas por Grupo Unicomer son armadas en el Hospital para COVID 19, Tecoluca. #AlertaCOVID19SV #QuedateEnCasa pic.twitter.com/AjFgSOEiHK
— Claro Obscuro (@ClaroObscuroEs) April 7, 2020
We worked with the Guayaquil Municipality in order to renovate on of their COVID-19 hospitals and provided 100 electric hospital beds through the “Juntos Hacemos Futuro” foundation to coronavirus cases.
Costa Rica
We contributed with eco filters to the temporal Hospital at ”Parque de la Industria.
We gave out appliances to different temporal Hospitals in the interior zones of the Republic.
We helped Shelter ”Puerta de Esperanza” with the appliances they requested.
Alongside World Bedding & Furniture, we delivered 80 beds to the newly restored quarantine center for attending cases of COVID-19.
Basic food baskets were given to the Red Cross that will benefit 320 persons (60-80 families).
20 electric hospital beds were delivered to the Attorney General.
We supported the Ministry of Health with the purchase of a bus that will help as a response unity.
St. Vincent & the Grenadines
We gave out to the Ministry of health electro domestic as well small domestic appliances.
We contribute to the Ministry of Health with electro domestics, small domestics appliances, computers and furniture.
A restored freezer was given to Help Aruba COVID-19.
We gave out to the Ministry of health electro domestics, small domestic appliances, televisions and furniture to attend the pandemic.
Alongside Guardian Group, we donated 96 hospital mattresses, 12 refrigerators, 12 microwaves, 2 washing machines, a dryer of 57 pounds, and 2 televisions to help the creation of a new installation that will help attend the cases of COVID-19 at Debe, at the south of Trinidad
St. Lucia
We gave our support to the Ministry of Health with products of personal needs, such as pillows, small equipment, and fans to help equip the respiratory clinics and health officed destined to treat cases of COVID-19. We contributed with computer equipment to help the public sector doctors, as well as laptops to COVID-19 crisis centers.
The health and well-being of our clients, staff members and communities is our highest priority during this pandemic. We reaffirm our commitment to keep working for the common good. Today, more than ever, we are here to support you.
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