The Unicomer Group, through its commercial brand RadioShack, once again held its showroom in Panama. As last year, the annual showroom brought together the franchisers who attended to learn more about the new commercial strategies, business results and development of new products of the brand.
With this year’s showroom the group implemented a different dynamic than previous years having the participation of experts in technology and products. The experts shared their experience and perception of the RadioShack brand regarding the new advances and development of new products that the brand has for its customers. As well, the franchisers had the opportunity to clarify doubts, known in depth the products and get into a new perspective of the customer’s experience.
The showroom of the Unicomer Group and RadioShack was a total success, fulfilling its objective of presenting new products, technological advances and development of customer experience that the brand has prepared for the Central America, South America and the Caribbean region.
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