From generation to generation we have created history with La Curacao, after 75 years in the market, this is not the first time we renew the corporate image of La Curcao, the brand has evolved with each generation, reflecting the spirit of a company that grows and advances with modern times.
Founded in 1890, La Curacao revolutionized the appliance store industry and has become a leading chain in the region, with more than 1.4 million customers.
The celebration took place simultaneously in the 6 countries where our comercial brand operates.
To take this important step, we began with a market research in the countries with field work, understanding of the customer journey, interviews with customers, employees and an audit of advertising materials. We created several proposals of logo and visual materials, which were evaluated in focus groups with customers to see if the changes were accepted. These led us to the final result.
The process was guided by an expert branding agency to make a successful transition. The company in charge of the renewal of the brand was Landor, a prestigiouse advertising agency, based in Mexico, that belongs to the WPP network which is considered the largest communications and marketing group in the world.
“La Curacao is a brand that due to many years of work, has managed to position itself in the market, we are very happy with the results obtained in the renewal of the brand, this is a work that has been done with great success thanks to the talent and commitment of our employees who worked as a team to achieve strategic coherence” Mario Figueroa, Commercial Manager of Unicomer Latin America Group.
Among the results of the research we found that La Curcao has a special place in the hearts of the people in the 6 countries where the brand operates. The customers mentioned, that they did not want to lose “Their Curacao”, therefore, “the change is subtle, but relevant, our advertising will present a totally modern turn adapted to the new generations.” added Figueroa.
“We realized that our customers didn’t want a drastic change because they didn’t want to lose brand icons like colors, character and sun. We know that we are an iconic brand in the minds of our consumers, this gives us the responsibility to create experiences to our customers, anticipat, innovate, transform and evolve” Carmen Salaverria, Regional Marketing Manager, Unicomer Group.
The new logo will maintain its brand essence that has characterized it for seven decades, its traditional elements such as colors and sun. It’s major change will be the typography this will give more modern look that also suits the brand’s virtual platforms. The new logo will be implemented since September 5 in all stores in the region, as well as in its online store Lacuracaonline.com.
These changes are not cosmetic changes, we seek to generate new experiences for our customers, enter a new era, get this evolution to be part of the lives of our customers for many more generations. The target of the brand is always the same but the brand suits a younger demanding audience, technologically sympathetic who has presence in social networks. We are looking for the latest in decoration, technology trends and inverter technology that has a positive impact to the environment.
La Curacao has valuable elements: more than 120 years of history, cutting edge technology, the best product options, financing plans, closeness with their custumers with 319 branches in the region that includes the subrands Optica La Curacao and La Curacao Cash and the e-commerce: Lacuracaonline.com, which was the first virtual store of its kind in the region, giving the opportunity to people from Central American and Dominican Republic to buy online in a safe and agile way, with all the facilities for the customer, including home services and can even apply for an online credit.