Throughout 2016, the main appliance sales store in the country promoted peace and good deeds in El Salvador.
San Salvador, January 16th, 2017. Within the month of peace framework, La Curacao, Unicomer Group’s leading brand in El Salvador, celebrates one year since the launch of its #YoCompartoLaPaz (I Share Peace) campaign. Initiative that was created with the objective of promoting in Salvadoran society one of the most important values for human beings: Peace.
Throughout 2016, month after month, company staff members carried out different activities that contributed to the construction of a better society, founded on values and with equal opportunities for all.
The campaign began internally, through different activities to sensitize more than 1,500 La Curacao staff members. Since January 2016, in different parts of the country, a variety of messages alluding to this initiative could be found, in advertisements, out of home publicity and family activities that were carried out in the branches, as well as other actions, in order to “infect” all Salvadorans to share the peace.
In April 2016, the first race for peace was carried out, an activity that was part of the campaign and where more than 700 people attended, regardless of their age or physical condition; they all ran towards a common goal of promoting good actions.
Among other activities that were carried out, the following stand out: donation of computer centers and technological equipment to improve students with vulnerable backgrounds educational, revitalization of schools, reforestation, protected areas clean up sessions, blood donations, visits and support to different children’s and elderly homes as well as hospitals, student scholarships where handed out, among others.
Likewise, activities were carried out on lacuracaonline.com/elsalvador e-Commerce, in which clients could share photos, videos and messages alluding to peace. On La Curacao social networks, weekly dynamics were being carried out to encourage more people to join to this important initiative.
“In La Curacao we know that the participation of companies for the construction of a just society is essential. Companies have become Corporate Citizens" whose basic social, ethical, labor and environmental responsibilities go beyond profit maximization and positioning themselves in the market. This campaign was a commitment we made a year ago to encourage good deeds, and above all, to remind Salvadorans that through small actions we can make a difference. Being tolerant and respecting each other is essential to preserve our country’s peace." Commented, Mr. Juan José Girón, Unicomer Group’s General Manager for El Salvador.
“Our brand’s promise is ‘to live better’, which is also part of our company’s essence since we want to continue contributing with positive messages in order to alleviate the anguish and concerns that exists in a society with a high violence rate. What we wanted to achieve with this initiative is that Salvadorans would understand that, just as peace can be lost easily, it can also be recovered through small actions.” Girón complemented.
“Simple actions such as smiling, even when you’re facing a difficult situation, offering an apology if you have made a mistake, tolerating contrary opinions, thanking a kind gesture, showing respect for all people or serving those in need, will generate, without a doubt, a positive effect on society.” Giron stressed.
Considering that each one of us can make a difference in someone elses life, and that volunteering is an expression of responsibility and commitment to communities and different social causes, more than 1,500 La Curacao staff members are part of the corporate social responsibility initiatives and activities that are carried out, each year, in which everyone participates as a great team.
La Curacao's commitment is no longer limited to offering salvadorans electrical appliances and other products that meet their home needs, they have wanted, as a committed company to the country and its customers, to take a step forward and contribute to improving the life of millions of salvadorans. Through the #YoCompartoLaPaz campaign, it was also possible to encourage each individual to make an effort to cultivate it inside and out.
For more than 70 years, La Curacao and Unicomer Group seek to contribute to social causes that will contribute to its staff members and communities’ well-being and development where they are present, with the development of programs and initiatives that help generate social, economic, and environmental value with a shared belief in human dignity for the construction of a better world.
“El Salvador is our home, a small country full of great people where peace starts in every family, let us share good deeds to continue preserving this value in our society, let us be filled with optimism and remember that harmony is achieved when we share peace. As a company committed to Salvadorans, we will continue working so that we inherit to our children and grandchildren a country full of values, tolerance and peace”, highlighted the El Salvador’s Unicomer Group General Manager.
Company representatives thanked all their clients for their preference and promised to continue working for a better country and offering the best products, promotions and offers with accessible payment facilities for all.
You can continue supporting this important initiative through social networks, using the hashtag #YoCompartoLaPaz and show your support by sharing a message of peace. Visit the brand's social networks on Facebook La Curacao El Salvador and twitter LaCuracaoES.
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